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Hot Lips 1984


Slice restaurant and pizza delivery. Meaty, vegetarian and vegan options. Portland since 1984. HOTLIPS has been a family-owned business since making Portland's first gourmet pizzas in 1984. Our mission is to preserve culture and celebrate humanity through our rich culinary traditions and by joining with others in finding new, sustainable ways of doing business.

Hot Lips Pizza was founded in 1984 by David Yudkin's father-in-law. Yudkin and his wife, Jeana Edelman, took over the business in 1994.[1] In 2005, Hot Lips started selling fruit sodas made from local fruits.[2] The sodas were featured in The New York Times.[3] In 2011, Hot Lips made its millionth bottle of soda.[4]

Hot Lips 1984

Released on elpee and cassette in 1984 in the US and Canada (Capitol, ST/4XT-12369), Europe (Capitol, 1C 064-24 0251) and Japan (Capitol, ECS-81695) with lyrics innersleeve. Reached #151 on the US charts.

She got up and came over, and I saw the small face relax. Her mouth was like a strawberry. She began to sip the drink I bought her. Her lips shone. Her mouth opened inside mine. A strawberry soaked in gin and tonic. Eve eating mulberries. Adam approaches her, but she puts the last berry into her mouth before he can get to her. Then he seizes the last berry from between her teeth. The mulberry showed Eve how to kiss. Adam knows all the names of things, but Eve had to teach him how to kiss.

When I saw Matunga that morning I said, in Swahili, that it was too bad about no hot water. He said in surprise that he had had a hot shower. Apparently, the cook's quarters was the only one with hot water. This man of 60 years, two wives , 10 children, and three grandchildren began to laugh until tears came. It was one of the funniest things he ever heard of. He was the only one of us that had had any hot water the night before, and he had paid only 25 shillings! His quiet hilarity soon had us all laughing. I said, "Wewe Bwana MajiMoto" -- you are Mr. Hot Water -- which only brought five minutes' more laughter. From that time on we called him Bwana Maji Moto, and it always brought a smile to everyone's lips.

Balendra, Thambirajah, Thambiratnam, David P., Koh, Chan Ghee, & Lee, Seng Lip (1984) DYNAMIC INTERACTION OF TWIN TUNNELS. In Engineering mechanics in civil engineering : proceedings of the Fifth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference. ASCE, pp. 368-371. 1

Lidstone, John (1984) Teaching Geography in the Mixed Ability Classroom. In Fien, John, Gerber, Rod, & Wilson, Peter (Eds.) The Geography Teacher's Guide to the Classroom. Macmillan Company of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 197-207.

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Efron, Nathan, Holden, Brien A., & Vannas, Antti (1984) Does contact lens induced corneal edema have an inflammatory component? American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 61(10), p. 70.

Efron, Nathan, Holden, Brien A., & Vannas, Antti (1984) Effect of prostaglandin-inhibitor naproxen on the corneal swelling response to hydrogel contact lens wear. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, 62(5), pp. 746-752. 10 8

Efron, Nathan, Holden, Brien A., & Vannas, Antti (1984) Prostaglandin-inhibitor naproxen does not affect contact lens-induced changes in the human corneal endothelium. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 61(12), pp. 741-744. 5 3

Efron, Nathan, Kotow, Michael, Martin, Donald K., & Holden, Brien A. (1984) Physiological response of the contralateral cornea to monocular hydrogel contact lens wear. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 61(8), pp. 517-522. 13 10

Hogg, Russell (1984) Review article of D. Brown & G. Zdenkowski, "The Prison Struggle", T. Vinson "Wilful Obstruction", R. Denning "Prison Diaries" & M. Findlay "The State of the Prison". Australian Journal of Law and Society.

Holden, Brien A., Sweeney, Deborah F., Vannas, Antti, Nilsson, Klas T., & Efron, Nathan (1984) The effects of long term extended wear of contact lenses on the human cornea. ARVO Abstracts. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 25(3 (S)), p. 192. 246

Holden, Brien A., Sweeney, Deborah F., Vannas, Antti, Nilsson, Klas T., Efron, Nathan, La Hood, Donna, et al. (1984) Endothelial polymegathism in contact lens wearers. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics, 61(10), 65P.

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Thambiratnam, David P., Balendra, Thambirajah, Koh, Chan Ghee, & Lee, Seng Lip (1984) Dynamic interaction of inclusion-soilfoundation system. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 110(2), pp. 252-272. 4 3

Vannas, Antti, Holden, Brien A., Sweeney, Deborah F., Efron, Nathan, & Polse, Kenneth A. (1984) Deswelling of the graft cornea following hypoxic oedema. Acta Ophthalmologica, 62(6), pp. 879-884. 9 9

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Holden, Brien A., Sweeney, Deborah F., Vannas, Antti, Nilsson, Klas T., & Efron, Nathan (1984) Recovery of the human cornea following long-term extended wear of hydrogel contact lenses. In Seventh Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, 1984-01-01. 2ff7e9595c

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