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CRACK Sam Broadcaster 4.3.6 SERIAL.rarl


7-4.3.2 Suggested Labeling Techniques (Inside)1. Brother P-Touch labeling device.2. Engraved Plastic - Glue on (Tape).3. Engraved Plastic - Snap-in.4. Metal Foil - Engraved numbers.5. Metal Foil - Typed numbers.6. Metal Foil - Indelible Marker.7. Plasticized Paper - Kroy Machine.8. Plasticized Paper - Stencils.9. Dymo Tape (with improved glue) - Large Type 1/2".10. C.A.S.E. Labels with plastic coating and 2 sided Tape7-4.3.3 Numbering and Locks and KeysPostal managers should number centralized delivery equipment as follows:a. Assign postal owned equipment an Identifying number or letter.b. Place this identification number on each unit. Use plastic stick-on decals or stencils. These numbers are not to be used in the customer's mailing address. Use 2" blue aluminum numbers. Check locally for availability. Lustre Cal in California manufactures labels with serialized numbers in sequence; for a catalog, call (209) 334-6263.c. Label the inside bottom ledge of each compartment with the address assigned to it, in sequence, when practical, from top to bottom and from left to right. When labeling a CBU, put names and addresses on the lip below each compartment so they will not be visible when customers open their compartments. You must work closely with the AMS unit to assure maximum benefits from the installation of centralized delivery equipment.d. The compartment doors may be numbered on the front, in sequence, from top to bottom and from left to right. These compartment numbers must not be used as part of the customer mailing address. The customers' names and street numbers must not appear on the outside of the compartment.e. Send a copy of the subdivision plat map to AMS. This map must include street names, approved street numbers, and location of equipment. Areas to be served by each unit should also be noted on this plat map for final approval by AMS office.f. Place the assigned compartment numbers on a roster of equipment locations (see examples in this section). This roster should include as a minimum, the unit identification number, the location of the unit, the addresses served at each unit (including ZIP+4 Codes), serial # if CBU, and the date the unit became functional. It should be prepared before the unit is placed in service. These rosters are to be kept in the delivery office as long as the equipment is operational.g. Notice 69-B, Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box, can be completed by the postmaster or designee. The completed form can be given to the real estate salesman, or sales office for issuance to the buyer upon completion of the sale or left by the carrier at each residence where lt will be found by the new occupant.h. If a person with disabilities cannot reach their compartment, exchange compartments to a lower compartment or extend delivery to their residence.7-4.3.4 Supplying Locks and KeysThe Postal Service supplies all compartment locks and three keys. Customers may duplicate keys at no expense to the Postal Service.Postal managers should take the following actions in issuing and controlling locks and keys:a. Postal management has the responsibility for establishing procedures for distribution and storage of keys for centralized delivery equipment.b. For CBU's/NDCBU's, give all compartment keys to the customer with a notice stating that the Postal Service keeps no duplicate keys and if all keys are lost a new lock will have to be installed at their expense. Refer to Section 3, Policy, page 5 for additional information.c. Ask customers to return all compartment keys to the post office when they move from their residence. When a customer moves, the lock should be changed before the compartment is reissued.d. Where all of the compartments are not assigned, locks and cams for the unassigned compartments may be used as replacements. Remove and switch locks between an unassigned compartment and the customer's compartment requiring a new lock. To keep the doors secure, always re- install a lock (in the locked position) in all unassigned compartments.e. Postal management should provide the customer with instructions on proper operating procedures for all centralized delivery equipment.f. When new centralized delivery equipment is installed, remove all keys and store them at the post office.g. Keep all keys for unassigned compartments at the post office.h. Suggested method of storage is to use P-570 envelopes labeled with address, compartment number, CBUINDCBU location, and identifying number of the unit.i. For parcel locker customer keys:1. When not in use, the parcel locker compartments must be kept in a locked position.2. The keys for compartments not in use should be kept in the outgoing mail compartment of the accompanying NDCBU, or in a Parcel locker key holder (PSIN D1199).3. Carriers must check all parcel lockers each delivery day and remove customer keys not in use. Follow procedures outlined above.4. In post offices, the customer keys should be secured behind the screen line when not in use. Parcel lockers in postal facilities should be checked a minimum of once a day for customer keys left in the lock.5. For more detailed information on parcel lockers, refer to Central Delivery Guidelines.7-4.3.5 Locks and KeysCustomer door locks for CBU's/NDCBU's are available as an item of supply at the Materiel Distribution Centers.Order locks and cams during your normal requisitioning cycle using PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition. Cite the Postal Service item number and required quantity. The unit of issue for either locks or cams is one package of ten each so don't mistakenly order ten times the required quantity.A listing showing the item numbers and application for NDCBU locks and cams can be found in Maintenance Bulletin MMO-4M4 (see Maintenance section in Central Delivery Guidelines). Note that lock 0910A replaces the discontinued 0910C. All Weather Parcel Lockers and CBUs require lock number 09108. Cams for them can be ordered directly from the respective manufacturer.Customer door locks for p.o. box modules are ordered in the same fashion as CBU/NDCBU locks. Item number 03068 is used in box modules 2901-2903 and 0306D in 2904 and 2905 modules. Keys cannot be locally duplicated but replacement keys can be ordered from the Mail Equipment Shops on PS Form 3915, Post Office Box Key Requisition. Non-accountable locks, which have keys that can be locally duplicated, are expected to be available in FY 94.Arrow Locks: Use PS Form 4983, Postal Key and Lock Requisition, to order arrow locks. Please note that there are two types of arrow locks:a. Regular arrow locks - for use in most apartment style boxes and NDCBU's/CBU'sb. Y type arrow locks - for use in rotary cabinets and some NDCBU's.7-4.3.6 After InstallationVisit the site and verify proper installation of equipment and perform slab inspection. The slab(s) should conform to the approved design (see MMO-18-92) unless; "Local conditions such as retaining walls or covering of an existing drainage ditch mitigate the use of these designs. We recommend that any design not conforming to the standard details be approved by a Facilities Service Office or Facilities Service Center. The intent is that a qualified architect or engineer would review and approve any alternate design."a. Make sure that unit is installed in the proper location, facing the direction you specified (customer compartment facing away from street).b. Shake unit vigorously. Make sure that the pedestal is secure on the slab and that the head of the box is secure on the pedestal. Check entire unit for potential safety hazards.c. Are there obvious cracks or imperfections in the slab?d. Are the units level and correctly spaced?e. If the unit has not been prepped, secure customer keys and install the arrow lock.f. If the customer installed the equipment and it passes inspection, it is ready to service.7-4.4 Preparing the CBU/NDCBU Rostera. Working with the developer, determine the locations) where CBU's/NDCBU's will be installed.b. Establish which addresses will be served by each location; determine the number and type (I, II, III) of CBU's/NDCBU's needed to serve the addresses.c. Be sure to select the CBU/NDCBU types that will efficiently serve the location while still keeping segmentation in mind.d. A roster must be completed for each postal owned unit deployed. Take the time to fill out the roster completely and correctly. To do so:1. All entries should be printed and legible.2. Fill out the top portion of the roster. If you fill out the roster prior to installation, be sure to go back and fill in the installation date.3. Complete the address, portion of the roster by entering the street name, suffix and number in the appropriate places. Keep addresses in sequential order flow to high). Do not separate odd and even numbers.4. Addresses are to begin at the upper left compartment (carrier view) and then go down and across.5. If a compartment is to be used for collections, write "collection" or "outgoing mail" on the appropriate compartment line instead of a numerical entry.6. If there will be extra compartments, write "not used" on the appropriate compartment line instead of a numerical entry.7. Write the sector number in the appropriate box. Refer to your delivery zone (AMS) map to obtain the correct sector number.e. The completed roster may now be used as a guide for filling out the key envelopes. Whenever possible, the rosters and key envelopes should be prepared in advance of equipment installation.7-5 Optional Equipment7-5.1 Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Units (NDCBU's)Standard NDCBU equipment has fixed mounting pedestals that secure the unit for customers to conveniently retrieve their mail. In some locations, due to heavy snow accumulations or when the box is located too close to fences, walls, etc., the carrier experiences difficulties in serving rear loading NDCBU's.A locking NDCBU carousel pedestal, that permits the customer compartments section to rotate 180 degrees, is available to reduce carrier difficulty in serving rear loading NDCBUS. The equipment requires the use of a standard Arrow lock and must not be used without it. Offices ordering the carousel NDCBU pedestal should assure that an adequate supply of Arrow locks is on hand.The carousel pedestal can be used with NDCBU's manufactured by Bommer, American Device, Auth, Florence and Cutler-Federal. This equipment can be purchased from:Page Specialty Company5777 South Fulton WayEnglewood CO 80111-3719(800) 327-7439.7-6 Maintenance7-6.1 GeneralThis section provides valuable information concerning maintenance of central delivery equipment. It Includes:* Samples of Lock Repair Requests.* CBU/NDCBU Winterizing Tips.* Work Order Requests.* Maintenance Bulletins.7-6.2 ResponsibilityOnce delivery equipment is installed, you have the responsibility to make sure that it continues to work properly. Poorly maintained mail receptacles really hurt our image. Builders will be reluctant to choose centralized delivery for future developments if existing units are not maintained properly.7-6.2.1 InstallationInstallation of centralized delivery equipment is accomplished in one of three ways. In some cases, the builders will install postal supplied equipment. In other cases, the USPS installs the equipment either with our own labor force or through the use of local contractors.Centralized delivery equipment must be installed in conformance with the applicable USPS standards and regulations, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Additional instructions can be found in the appropriate maintenance bulletins contained in this section.Planning for installation of centralized delivery equipment should be completed as soon as possible after delivery requirements are determined so that scheduling of installation personnel can be accomplished with the least amount of disruption to the overall maintenance activity. Contractor support should be arranged if local personnel are not available to accomplish installation tasks. Refer to the Installation section for more information.Centralized delivery equipment should not be installed unless it has been inspected to ensure proper operation and customer and employee safety. Specific inspection criteria can be found in Maintenance Bulletin MMO-55-81 and in the Installation section in this book.If deficiencies are identified which appear to be the responsibility of the vendor, the person responsible for the purchasing activity, should be notified so that contact with the vendor can be made and a commitment obtained for timely correction of such deficiencies. A report of defects should also be sent to the Purchasing Service Center.If the vendor does not commit to a timely correction process, USPS maintenance personnel should undertake correction activity. All repair activities performed by USPS personnel to correct apparent vendor deficiencies should be documented in terms of workhours and material costs and submitted to local procurement services. Use PS Form 4568, Postal Equipment Problem Feedback, to advise the appropriate offices of deficient equipment (see MMO-73-84).A copy of this report should be sent to the Maintenance Technical Support Center, Attn: Plant Equipment Branch, PO. Box 1600, Norman, OK 73070-6704 and the Purchasing Service Center in your area. A list of these offices is in the Purchasing section of Central Delivery Guidelines.7-6.2.2 MaintenanceMaintenance personnel should expedite all repair requests (PS Form 4805, Maintenance Work Order Request). Local site personnel or local locksmiths normally perform minor repairs, including customer lock replacements, if necessary.Generally, on-site tasks are limited to replacing customer locks, or replacing a component that is readily accessible and replaceable. When an employee is on site making minor repairs, he should also apply a small amount of lubricant especially designed for locks to each customer door lock, being careful to wipe off any excess. For additional information, see "Customer Lock Replacement" in this section.Major or more complex maintenance tasks range from replacing a damaged CBU/NDCBU to replacing a carrier access lock/door. When centralized delivery equipment or pedestals require a repair that cannot be accomplished on site, the unit or pedestal should be replaced. If an entire unit must be replaced, every effort should be made to interchange the locks so that customers are not adversely affected by the interchange. Any box identification numbers or other information on the loading side of the equipment should also be transferred.7-6.2.3 Spare PartsSpare parts can be obtained from units classified as nonserviceable. A nonserviceable unit is one that has been damaged beyond repair. Before these units are sold as scrap or salvage, attempt to retrieve any usable spare parts, i.e., compartment doors, latches, locking mechanisms, etc.). Catalogue and store spare parts for future use.Purchase parts for centralized delivery equipment from the manufacturer or their distributors. A distributor list, giving the name, address, phone number and spare parts breakdown is provided with some manufacturers' installation and maintenance instructions. A parts list can be found by referring to the appropriate maintenance bulletin. The requiring office can order spare parts directly from the manufacturers.Customer lacks and cams can be obtained from the supply centers. Some replacement pedestals for older units manufactured by Superior and American Device can be obtained from the western area supply center. (Ref. maintenance bulletin MMO-41-87)7-6.2.4 Arrow LocksMaintenance offices must maintain an adequate supply of Arrow Locks and keys. Reorder, as local needs dictate, on PS Form 4983 and send to the Mail Equipment Shop in Washington, DC.7-6.3 Reporting Maintenance Actions7-6.3.1 GeneralMost maintenance work will be corrective, lock replacement, unit or pedestal replacement, etc.) The local office initiates repairs using Form 4805. In cases involving safety related defects, requests for maintenance may be verbal to expedite repairs; however, such requests and subsequent work must always be recorded on PS Form 4805.Safety related repairs might require completion of a Form 1767, Report of a Hazardous, Unsafe Condition or Practice. Carriers should use Form 1624, Delivery and Collection Equipment Work Request, to advise management of required repairs.7-6.3.2 Customer Lock ReplacementThere are basically 4 methods of handling replacement of customer locks.1. In many multi-residential dwelling units, the lock changes are handled by the complex management. (The Postal Service supplies replacement locks free of charge for Postal owned equipment.)2. The delivery unit (management personnel, custodial, carrier) may handle lock changes.3. Customer locks can be changed by maintenance.4. Use local locksmiths.Note: The U.S. Postal Service does not repair or supply and change compartment locks for privately owned mail receptacles. 7-6.3.3 PaintExact paint matching is difficult since paint types and colors are not standard among box manufacturers. Local offices must stock only one type and color of paint to support refinishing needs. Paints listed in the General Service Administrative (GSA) catalog in colors that are similar to the finishes on the majority of the units are as follows:* Semi-Gloss (Fed. Std. 595 Color No. 26492)7-6.3.4 Rust Protection for NDCBUsAt this time, the office of Maintenance Management does not advocate the use of any specific rust proofing products. For treatment of minor rust problems, there are on the market a number of commercially available products that can be purchased locally (follow the instructions on the label). Where serious problems are encountered, the equipment should be replaced as soon as possible to avoid any serious safety hazard.Note: CBU's are manufactured with aluminum or plastic material and should not rust.7-6.3.5 Results of Inspection Service AuditSome examples of maintenance problems were identified during a recent Inspection Service audit. They are:a. Inconsistencies in construction of concrete pads.b. Lack of preventative maintenance.c. Safety is not always considered in installation sites.d. Inferior quality of address labels inside units.e. Collection compartments are not always provided.f. Unsightly units are not repaired in a timely manner.g. Poor record keeping of maintenance expenditures.h. Units not installed in locations where lighting and visibility would enhance mail security.Attention to such problems will improve management of central delivery. Use the Equipment Checklist (see Safety section in this book) to assist with this process. Additionally, use your carriers as a source of information. Encourage them to tell you when equipment needs repairs. Use PS Form 4805 to report repairs. Follow up on work requests to ensure repairs are made. Your attention to our delivery equipment will let your customers know that you care.7-7 Safety7-7.1 OverviewYou cannot eliminate all the safety hazards that exist on every route, but by using central delivery equipment, you can minimize their impact on the carrier.There will be fewer vehicle accidents, because the carrier is not traveling both sides of the street, stopping and starting at every residence to deliver mail.The carrier is exposed to fewer hazards on the park and loop route, also. Wet grass, slippery sidewalks, and animals may pose a threat causing a serious injury.Centralizing the delivery points throughout a neighborhood reduces the likelihood of hazards, and diminishes the chance of a painful injury.In areas where centralized delivery equipment is installed, the USPS must ensure the equipment does not pose any hazard to delivery employees and customers.Every station and office with central delivery equipment must conduct safety inspections twice a year. The following pages outline procedures and provide samples of checklists to accomplish this task.7-7.2 Central Delivery Equipment Inspection ProcedureAll central delivery equipment and parcel lockers in your delivery area must be inspected for safety defects and maintenance problems.Each unit in the field must be inspected for the following items:a. Assure master number is on unit.b. Address on master list roster must correspond to actual location on street.c. General condition of units1. Missing customer doors?2. Missing customer locks? (replaced by inspector on site)3. Painting, striping, eagles?4. Sharp edges?5. Vandalism?6. Weather resistant/water tight?7. Rust?8. Dented or damaged?d. Cement slab1. Condition (any cracks, etc., that would require repouring).2. Thickness (if obvious).e. Mounting bolts and/or attachment to cement pad.1. Any missing?2. Not tight?3. Protruding bolts? (tripping hazard)4. Rust?f. Attachment of unit to pedestal.1. Is it secure and all bolts or rivets tightly in place?2. Rust?g. Location of unit.1. Traffic hazard to employee or customer?2. Carrier and customer footing?3. Dimly lit (unsafe) location?4. Approach to unit from either side?h. Carrier door retainers?i. Carrier door's and arrow lock.1. Open freely?2. Door hinges okay?3. Arrow lock operable?j. Any other condition inspector feels needs to be noted?When completed, forward inspection forms to proper office for corrective action necessary. Maintain a copy of the completed inspection at your delivery unit.7-7.3 Parcel Locker Inspection ProcedureEach locker must be inspected for the following items:a. Locker numbers must appear on or near doors (same number must appear on key or key tags.)b. Address on master list/roster must correspond to actual location on street.c. Mounting bolts (same criteria as for CBU's/NDCBU's).d. Attachment to pedestal (same criteria as for CBU's/NDCBU's).e. Customer locks operate correctly.1. Locking mechanism operates freely - no sticking.2. Customer lock will NOT allow door to be locked without arrow (control) key.f. General condition of unit.1. Painting, striping, eagles?2. Vandalism?3. Door hinges?4. Sharp edges?g. Cement slab (same criteria as for CBU's/NDCBU's).7-8 Parcel Lockers7-8.1 GeneralParcel lockers may be used for delivery of parcels and all other classes of mall, and may be provided by either the developer/owner or by the U.S. Postal Service when requirements are met.Approval for installation of parcel lockers is contingent upon a determination by the local postal manager that the proposed area to be served qualifies for delivery service, that the equipment to be installed has been approved by the U.S. Postal Service, and that suitable arrangements can be made for location of these parcel lockers.Postal Managers must evaluate the needs of a delivery area prior to approving installation and use of parcel lockers, considering security, safety, operational effectiveness and customer convenience. Generally, the normal parcel volume must justify equipment purchase and installation.Parcel Lockers may be used as an adjunct to post office box, door, curbside or centralized delivery. There are no restrictions due to existence of city or rural delivery service. Keep a sufficient amount of equipment on hand to meet immediate centralized delivery needs, such as business complexes, mobile homes, conversions, and shopping malls.Purchase of parcel lockers must be from manufacturers whose equipment has been approved by the U.S. Postal Service. Firms interested in the manufacture of parcel lockers should write to the Purchasing Department, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260-6220.

CRACK Sam Broadcaster 4.3.6 SERIAL.rarl


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